The UK Government’s Legislative Programme


 3 June 2024


Rebecca Evans MS, Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet Office


On Wednesday 22 May 2024, the Prime Minister announced that a general election would be held on 4 July. A two day ‘wash-up period’ then took place prior to the prorogation of Parliament on Friday 24 May. Parliament was then dissolved on Thursday 30 May.


The following Parliamentary Bills were subject to the legislative consent process within the Senedd prior to the dissolution of Parliament—

·         Criminal Justice Bill 

·         Data Protection and Digital Information Bill  

·         Dogs (Protection of Livestock) (Amendment) Bill 

·         Economic Activities of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill   

·         Leasehold and Freehold Bill Reform Bill  

·         Renters (Reform) Bill  

·         Tobacco and Vapes Bill 

·         Victims and Prisoners Bill 


The Leasehold and Freehold Bill Reform Bill and the Victims and Prisoners Bill both received Royal Assent on 24 May 2024. All other Bills listed above fell following the dissolution of Parliament.

Welsh Government will share further information with the Senedd in due course on the implications for Wales of those Bills which received Royal Assent during the wash-up period.